Thursday, April 21, 2011


hmm gimana ya?
kenapa semuanya terjadi cepeeet banget
sampe w ga bisa mikir jernih lagi
oh my God,,,
semuanya bakal cepet pergi..
w gag mau keilangan lagi...
plis... let me do something for you...
don't wanna lose you so soon
my Princessa Calma

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


sometimes it's too difficult to understand how the world goes by full of happiness
but sometimes we don't need the answer...
because it is too fun to enjoy
it is too easy as easy as you breathe....

when you are being in the right place with the right people around you
you will feel many, many kinds of excitement...
just believe me that it is true
and i'm not lying

Sunday, March 20, 2011

for my lil fairy

hi dear,,
i wanna thank to my lil cute fairy for her suggesion
dunno what would happened if you weren't show me those ways
i'm glad to know you and all of your amazing idea..
trims anyway

Monday, March 14, 2011


bener-bener lagi injury time nih..
haduh gimana donk??
bentar lagi out of limit
tapi tetep aja masih ada nilai yang kurang..
hmmmm gimana donk???
hiks hiks hiks..

pak dosen yang baik,,
tolong saya..
pokoknya wisuda harus taun ini...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

DBSK - Flower Lady

me and changi


beginilah hidup

kadang kita dihadapi dengan kenyataan yang sangat menyesakkan

kadang kita sulit membedakan antara kata-kata manis sekedar rayuan

atau pujian yang tulus ... ???